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The value of medical student hepatitis B immunisation as part of clinical skills training in the Clinical Skills Unit of the University of the Free State
Methods: Medical students in Phase II of the MBChB programme were included in this observational descriptive study and participation was voluntary. Students immunised their peers with a hepatitis B vaccine in the upper arm under the supervision of medical and nursing personnel in the laboratory of the Skills Unit. After the final immunisation, the students completed an anonymous questionnaire.
Results: Sixty-six students completed the questionnaire. Of these, 80% felt that that they had improved their understanding of the theory of immunisation. Some (8%) students preferred to have the immunisation performed at a clinic or by a doctor and 6% had a problem with being vaccinated by a peer. A few (3%) students found it unacceptable to be immunised in a mixed gender group, 5% thought they had suffered complications and 5% indicated that there had been inadequate supervision. Most of the students (98%) responded positively to immunising their peers and 95% felt that it was advantageous to receive the immunisation in the skills laboratory environment. Approximately half (56%) of the students wanted to receive additional important immunisations.
Conclusion: Students were positive about practising immunisation techniques on their peers.
SA Fam Pract 2005;47(4): 54-56