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Epidemiological profile of non-daily smokers in South Africa: implications for practice
Methods: Using data obtained from the 1998 South African demographic and health survey (SADHS) – the largest nationally representative dataset
available – smokers were classified as non-daily (ND) smokers or daily smokers. NDS were defined as persons aged 18 and over who had ever
smoked 100 cigarettes, but did not currently smoke daily.
Results: In 1998, an estimated 10% of current smokers were ND smokers (n = 255). Of the ND smokers, 69.7% had smoked daily in the past and
currently smoked significantly fewer cigarettes per day (CPD) than current daily smokers (5.4 vs. 9.8). ND smokers were also significantly more
likely to have made at least one attempt to quit smoking, live in smoke-free homes, have more than 12 years of schooling and live in urban areas. Compared to past daily ND smokers, those ND smokers who had never smoked daily smoked fewer CPD and were more likely to be younger than 25 years old.
Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the majority of ND smokers in South Africa are those trying to quit smoking rather than those
initiating smoking. Smoking rates among ND smokers are still at a level that has been shown to pose significant health risks, therefore health
practitioners should also prioritise non-daily smokers for interventions regarding smoking cessation.