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Person-centred counselling to ameliorate symptoms of psychological distress among South African patients living with hypertension and diabetes: Results of an intervention study
Method: A convenience sample of patients (n = 37) was recruited from two public clinics. The sample was non-randomly assigned to a treatment
group (n = 20) and a control group (n = 17), and assessed before and after the intervention was presented. A battery of instruments consisting of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Beck Anxiety Inventory was administered before and after the intervention.
Results: The results indicate that person-centred counselling was effective in ameliorating general psychological distress and symptoms of
depression, but not symptoms of anxiety, as measured by the above instruments. The results suggest that psychological counselling may be helpful to medical patients.
Conclusions: While counselling interventions may be well placed in public health settings from the perspective of treatment efficacy, it is necessary
to temper this recommendation with an understanding of the barriers to implementing such services and the resulting impact on therapeutic