The Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Transkei has completed the first 5 years of its problem-based community oriented teaching curriculum. The use of SWOT analysis to evaluate current and future directions can lead to the successful evolution of any organization. The aim of this study was to obtain a students' appraisal of the PBL Curriculum at the University of Transkei's Faculty of Health Sciences. Fourth-year Medical students were divided into 4 groups and were asked to describe the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the PBL. The data of each group was prioritised. A majority of the student groups indicated that in terms of quality, the strengths of the system were stronger than its weaknesses. They also pointed out that there were more opportunities than threats. It was concluded that the PBL curriculum empowers the students by increasing skills that are relevant to existing health problems in the community. It also gives them the opportunity to meet the outcomes of the program in due time.
SA Fam Prac Vol.25(1) 2002: 14-15