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Practices of Primary Caretaker of children aged 1-5 years before attending Peri-Urban and Urban clinics in Thaba Nchu
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among caretakers of sick or injured children aged between 1 and 5 years, attending peri-urban and urban clinics in Thaba Nchu, Free State Province, South Africa. Clinics were grouped according to their service hours, and a random sample of clinics was chosen. For these clinics a random sample of days were selected. On these days one researcher (SINY) interviewed caretakers using a structured questionnaire. Nursing staff at the clinics served as translators where necessary.
Results: Of the 151 respondents, the majority was female (90.1%) and the child's mother (74.2%). Approximately half (51%) had completed standard 8 or higher. The majority (79.5%) had sought advice from a relative or neighbour for the illness in question. In 80.8%, the respondents were advised to go to the clinic. The median duration of illness before taking the child to the clinic was 3 days. Cough was the major presenting complaint in 66.9% of the children. At the clinic the majority of the children (78.8%) received treatment with no follow-up.
Conclusion: In most cases advice was sought before going to the clinic. There are ample opportunities for patient education, which should be extended to include other family members. Self-care needs to be encouraged and facilitated.
SA Fam Prac Vol.25(1) 2002: 9-13