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Author Biography
s Ragavan, MBBS (Colombo), M Prax Med(Medunsa), DTM&H(Wits), Dip PEC(SA), DHSM(Wits), FACRRM, FRACGP, Director – Emergency Medicine, Broken Hill Health Service, Australia
(Formerly, Academic Head – Northern Province Unit, Department of Family Medicine, Medunsa)
Main Article Content
Resuscitation preparedness for general practice
s Ragavan
MBBS (Colombo), M Prax Med(Medunsa), DTM&H(Wits), Dip PEC(SA), DHSM(Wits), FACRRM, FRACGP, Director – Emergency Medicine, Broken Hill Health Service, Australia
W Kloeck
MBBCh(Wits), Dip PEC(SA), National Chairman: Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa
General practices are not exempted from situations dealing with dire emergencies. For general practitioners to be effective in coping with such situations, they should at all times be prepared to resuscitate patients. This article gives an overview of the preparation required to manage such events.
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