Author Guidelines
SACQ is a quarterly journal published by the Crime and Justice Programme of the Institute for Security Studies. The journal is published in hard copy and is available on our website: The journal is widely read nationally and internationally by criminal justice practitioners, researchers and academics.
Prospective authors are requested to contact Chandre Gould ( to obtain information about deadlines and publication dates.
Prospective authors are asked to take note of the following information:
- Articles should be between 3000 and 3500 words
- Language and tone:
The article should be written in an accessible way in other words so that non-experts are able to read and understand the piece. Please avoid using jargon as far as possible and when jargon is used (especially legal) it must be explained, - Keep sentences short and paragraphs short.
- The journal is layed-out in two columns. Please keep subheadings short so that they fit on one line of a column if possible.
- As far as the content is concerned:
— Please include a 100 – 150 word abstract to the article. This should be a clear summary that draws readers in to the article
— the topic being covered should be linked to current events, or to policy debates, legislation etc.
— -we do want to hear your opinion of the issue – so positions can be taken. But, there should always be a clear presentation of the facts, background to the issue, etc as well.
- Format:
- Use sub-headings wherever possible (to guide busy readers, and break up text)
- Tables, boxes, bullet points, graphs most welcome
- Please suggest a title for the article. It should be a punchy title with a descriptive subtitle.
- Endnotes are used for all referencing (no sources in the text in brackets please).
- acknowledgements can be made at the end of the article if necessary.