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Job satisfaction in a chemical factory
positive outcomes thereof for individuals. Job satisfaction is an
important indicator of the subjective well-being of individuals. The
objectives of this study were to evaluate the use of the Minnesota
Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) for diff erent language groups
working in a chemical factory, and to investigate the relationship
between job satisfaction and demographic variables. The study
was carried out with a sample (N = 583) representing diff erent job
levels in a chemical factory. The 20-item MSQ and a biographical
questionnaire were administered. The results confi rmed that job
satisfaction consists of two internally consistent factors, namely
extrinsic and intrinsic job satisfaction. The factorial invariance of
the MSQ was confi rmed for African languages and an Afrikaans
and English group. Language was the only demographic variable
that statistically signifi cantly predicted extrinsic job satisfaction.
Intrinsic job satisfaction was statistically signifi cantly predicted by
two demographic variables, namely age and qualifi cation.