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A review of the modern operations management curricula for a new programme qualifi cation mix (PQM)
understood than any other business function. In manufacturing
industries it is usually taken to be production management and best
left to specialists (such as engineers). In some service organisations,
the term is still not recognised. In addition to this, the persistent gap
between what is being taught and what is relevant to the practitioner
needs to be addressed. The purpose of this article is to lead up to
a revision and design of the POM function curricula and to promote
its core overriding value as the theme for a bachelor’s qualifi cation
in higher education that meets the needs of South African industry.
4The methodology used as part of this curriculum design process
was based on secondary research sources (current academic reports
and established syllabi) and two empirical surveys among a subset
of the population, namely industry leaders in South Africa. The
resultant qualifi cation design is presented as a conceptual draft as
part of the recommended new degree in POM to be submitted to the
DOE (Department of Education) by a South African university. The
overall implications of this article would put POM back at the top of
the corporate agenda. A further study is recommended based on the
application of the Collective Causal Mapping Methodology (CCMM)
for creating (revising) course curricula (Hays, Bouzdine-Chameeva,
Hill, Scavarda & Goldstein 2007).