One of the long-running debates within the research dealing with developing countries’ situations, has been the extent to which management theories and practices rooted in the developed countries’ perspectives can be applied by organisations in the developing countries. To contribute to this debate, this study aimed to discover new insights that could highlight the superseding management practices and activities associated with the effectiveness of organisations in a developing country. The study applied an inductive research approach through data obtained via interviews from 54 key role players and ultra-elites in organisations such as members of the board, management and employees. Qualitative research techniques were used to analyse data. The study findings suggest context-specific management practices and activities, unique from those typically cited in the developed countries, as influencing the effectiveness of organisations in Namibia. Moreover, the study found that management practices and activities related to human fundamentals, such as those embodied in the resource-based view of organisations, appear to be significantly associated with the effectiveness of companies in the Namibian context. The findings of the study have theoretical and practical value for those teaching, consulting and leading organisations in developing countries, especially in African organisations. Also, the findings have value for organisational development and design specialists, human resources professionals, Namibian business practitioners, and expatriates who manage operations and people in Namibia.