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Effects of Carica papaya seed extract on the electrical and microstructural properties of mild steel in 0.1m nitric acid

B.J. Ameh
E. Osarolube
G.O. Avwiri


The impact of Carica papaya seed extract on mild steel's electrical and microstructural characteristics in an acidic media (HNO3) is examined using a weight loss technique at room temperature. Based on the results obtained, coupons with18ml extract immersion in an acidic environment yielded an efficiency of 58.38%. Also, the micrographs displayedprimarily pearlite (dark) and ferrite (light) structures, with more ferrite on the first day that gradually reducing with time and more pearlite from the seventh dayupwards. Finally, there was also a drop in the mild steel's electrical conductivity after immersion and increased in electrical resistance with an increasein inhibitor concentration, at the same time impedance remained the same before and after the immersion. 


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1118-1931
print ISSN: 1118-1931