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Geophysical probe for delineating portable water depths along UDPS, Choba, Rivers State

R. Oghonyon
C.S. Edeh


The present study focused on the use of geophysical probe for portable water delineation in ‘UDPS’, Choba, Rivers State. The objective is to carry out a geophysical survey for resistivity evaluation as the depth of investigation increases, interpret the resistivity curve using geophysical parameters of the subsurface layers, delineate variations in subsurface lithologies and resistivity properties of the layers for geoelectric evaluation and interpret geoelectric section for delineating portable water depths at the subsurface layers. The resistivity data was acquired from the field, processed and interpreted. The result revealed a resistivity curve which shows an increasing resistivity property, AK type curve, five layers, four thicknesses and resistivity trend in the form of ℓ1˂ℓ2˂ℓ3 ˃ℓ4˂ℓ5, a geoelectric section containing five layers of topsoil, fine-medium sand, coarse-gravely sand, silty clay and coarse sand as the prospect zone. The data brought great insight from the rock layers across the area in terms of the resistivity parameters of the layers, the curve type, resistivity trend, the changes in lithologies, the geoelectric section, etc. This, in effect, can be a useful tool for other interested individuals guided by the geophysical investigation concept for groundwater prospecting in the study area.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1118-1931
print ISSN: 1118-1931