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Eclipse detection on variable star Ao Serpentis using Las Cumbres observatory global telescope (LCOGT)
To observe and document the distinctive eclipse phenomenon on the source, we conducted a photometric observation of the variable star AO Ser using the 0.4m SBIG optical telescope from the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network remotely from Nigeria. On December 22, 2022, the LCOGT was used to observe the AO Ser data, and the telescope time was 120 minutes. Using SAO Image Viewer (DS9), VisieR, and IRIS software, we performed a photometric analysis on the eclipsing stellar data, allowing us to plot the light curve and infer eclipses. According to the outcome of our photometric analysis, AO Ser is an eclipsing binary variable star. The stellar analysis presented shows theaverage values of stellar eclipse parametersfrom the analysis of the Vfilterof AO Ser, asA1 = 1.37km, A2 = 0.329km, D1 = 188×103hrs (52.94secs), D2 = 79.4×103hrs (22.7secs) and d1 = 26.4×103hrs (7.65secs), d2 = 0hrs (0secs) respectively. For the B filter, the averagesof A1 = 0.65km, A2 = 0.145km, D1 = 185×103hrs (52.11secs), D2 = 76.6×103hrs (21.26.0secs), d1 = 26.0 ×103hrs (7.044secs) and d2 = 0hrs (0secs).The primary candidate of AO Ser is smaller than its secondary companion, as shown by the value of d2 = 0secs being the same for both V and B Filters observations. Two times during the orbit, when the primary passed in front of the secondary and when the secondary passed in front of the primary, the observed brightness decreased. The primary eclipse was designated as having a deeper peak than the secondary eclipse, which had a shallower peak. The percentage of the occulted stellar area and the stars' effective temperatures were used to calculate the size of the stellar brightness drop.