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Measurement of leakage radiation dose to patients undergoing chest x-ray in some x-ray facilities in Warri Town. Nigeria.
The increase in the application of x-ray in health management has necessitated the need to determine the risk associated with its use. This study is aimed at measuring the leakage radiation dose to patients undergoing chest x-ray in twenty (20) radiological facilities in Warri, Delta State. A portable GMC-600 digital Geiger Muller Counter (serial number: 36311386254310) was used to examine the facilities. The leakage radiation was measured from both the cathode and anode terminals of the machines across the facilities studied and their mean exposure readings were obtained. The leakage radiation (mR/hr) values for the cathode terminal ranges from 0.21 – 100.27 mR/hr with an average of 26.46 mR/hr while the anode terminal is from 0.21 – 99.70 mR/hr with an average of 24.88 mR/hr. From the obtained results, it was observed that only one machine, A10 (100.27 mR/hr) exceeded the recommended limit (100 mR/hr) for leakage radiation as stipulated by American Association of Physicist in Medicine (AAPM). This indicates that the workers and members of the public in the said facility could be exposed to some level of harmful radiations.