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Assessment of noise pollution level of Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout, Port-Harcourt City Rivers State, Nigeria
Noise levels were evaluated using type II model IEC651 integrated digital sound level meter in selected industrial areas of Trans-Amadi and some commercial areas. The Leq values obtained exceeded the international permissible limit of 65 dB (A). Similar trend was observed in the studied commercial zones where the recommended permissible limit of 65 dB (A) (day-time) and 55 dB (A) (night-time) noise levels were all exceeded. The noise pollution level (Lnp) and the daily noise exposure (Lep,d) estimated exceeded their permissible levels. Noise contour was performed using computer software called surfer to show the various areas of high noise level and areas of low noise levels. The overall result show that the noise pollution level of Trans-Amadi industrial layout are high (unacceptable level), though it is similiar to results of work from similar environment nationally and internationally. This implies that the people working and living in the area of the study are exposed to relatively different degrees of environmental noise from industrial and commercial activities that can cause health issues.
Keywords: Noise, Pollution, Exposure, Sound Pressure