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A study of the thermoluminescence fading characteristics of natural marble phosphor
The thermoluminescence (TL) response fading behaviour of natural marble obtained from the South Western Basement Complex of Nigeria for varying gamma irradiation doses were investigated for the purpose of ascertaining if this material can suffice as a TL dosimeter. Irradiation was done using a 60Co gammacell irradiator while a Victoreen TL Reader was employed for the TL measurements. The result indicate that the material exhibits a logarithmically exponential decay having the equation TL (Au) = -7.02 lnTs + 71.11. Fading is observed to be initially fast then gradual and thereafter almost constant after about one month post irradiation storage like is characteristic of most common TL dosimeters. The result also shows that of the three peaks revealed by the analyzed glow curve of this TL phosphor, the lower temperature peak occurring at 115 °C is most suitable for this dosimetric application.
Key words: Fading, Natural marble, Thermoluminescence.