Diethylether and hexane extracts of maize attracted 1-7 and 28-42 day-old Oryzaephilus mercator adults. The 1-7 day-old adults were significantly more responsive than the 28- 42 day-old. Starvation of adults for up to 3 days progressively increased O. mercator response. Hexane extracts were more attractive than diethylether extracts. Within the extract concentration range of 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, and 1.0ml, optimal response of O. mercator occurred at 0.06m1 and beyond this level, negative response was observed. There were significant interactions between age and solvent; age and starvation period; solvent and extract concentration; age and extract concentration; starvation period and extract concentration, and among age, solvent, and starvation period; age, solvent, and extract concentration; and solvent, starvation period, and extract concentration. Probable reasons for the results obtained are discussed.