The study was carried out to investigate the effect of sodium citrate on haemoglobin concentration in wistar rat, which could be useful for industrial preservatives purposes. Eighteen male matured rats of wistar strain (RattusNorvegicus), weighing between 100-150g and divided into three groups of six rats each, were used for the study. The first group (Group A) was given 10mg/kg body weight, the second group (Group B) was given 15mg/kg body weight, while the third group (Group C control) was given water and feed only. The rats were sacrificed on the 2nd-day, 6thday and 14th day following treatment, and the haemoglobin concentration was determined. Result obtained showed statistically significant differences (P<0.05) between all the three rat groups. In conclusion, sodium citrate significantly increased haemoglobin concentration.