Papers submitted should report results of original research not published in full elsewhere.


Manuscripts must be in English.  A short running title (not exceeding 75 letters and spaces) must be provided in addition to the full title of the manuscript.  Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, on one side of A4 or 23 x 21cm paper, and the length should not exceed 25 pages (tables and figures inclusive) with a 30mm margin on all sides.

Title page:  It should be informative and concise {include name(s) of author(s), office addresses and e-mail addresses}.

Abstract:  An abstract of a single paragraph not exceeding 250 words should give the purpose, procedure, significant results and conclusions of the research work.

Introduction:  The introduction should contain only essential background information and important relevant references.  The objectives of the work and its relevance/contribution must be clearly stated.

Materials and Methods:  New methods and modification of established ones should be described in detail to enable reproduction by other workers.  For the established and published methods, refer to the relevant publications.

Results:  The results should be concise.  Although computer drawn diagrams are preferable, those drawn with black ink on transparent papers are also accepted.  Three (3) photographs of good contrast which should be in black and white glossy paper and should be taken together as figures and numbered in Arabic numerals.   The original and two copies of figures should be submitted.  Tables (numbered in Arabic numerals) and figures with their captions should be submitted as part of the paper but numbered consecutively with the author’s names and title of the paper on the back.  The numbers, one through nine should be written in words except when they are quantitative measurements, e.g. 3cm; when they are preceded by a capitalized noun, e.g. Table 5, or when they are in a table.

Discussion:  Avoid repetition of methodology and results in your discussion.  Relate your work to published works.  References should be cited as, e.g. Onumanyi (1996), Liverpool and Akueshi (1998), and Briggs et. al. (2000) if there are more than two authors.

References:  References should be listed alphabetically according to Harvard system and names of Journals should be written in full as follows:  Ikeh, E.I., Ajayi, J.A. and Bello, C.S.S. (1995) Mastomys natalensis and Tatera gambina as probable reservoirs of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Nigeria.  Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 89:25-26.  Books and monographs should be cited as follows:  Akpokodje, E.G. (2001) Introduction to Engineering Geology, Port Harcourt.,  Pam Unique Publishers, pp. 26-31.

Units and Abbreviations:  Only the international system of units (SI) is allowed and must be indicated clearly on figures and tables.  Abbreviations should be written in full at first mention.  For mathematical manuscripts, all direction and identification of letters and symbols must be clear.  Use only signs and symbols in common use.


Scientia Africana seeks to encourage communication among scientists all over the world through regular publication of their research findings.  The Journal will accept to publish results of original research in all aspects of biological, chemical, earth, mathematical, physical and applied sciences.  It will also publish review articles, book reviews, research notes and other short communications on all aspects of pure and applied sciences and accepts advertisements in related fields.

Submission of articles

The scope of Scientia Africana covers all of biological, physical and applied sciences.  An electronic copy of clearly readable, computer processed manuscript, not previously published and also not being considered for publication elsewhere should be submitted for consideration. The language of the journal is English.  Authors may submit their articles accompanied by a processing fee of N8000.00 (US$20) to: scientia-africana@uniport.edu.ng 

The Editor-in-Chief

Scientia Africana

Faculty of Science

University of Port Harcourt

P.M.B. 5323, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Page Charges

The first five pages cost N12, 000.00. (US$45.00) Additional pages will be charged a fee of N2, 000.00 (US$10) each. This will be charged per final printed page after the paper has been accepted for publication.  A final letter of acceptance is given only after payment.  Embossment of photographs will attract additional charges.  Page charges may be increased without prior notice to contributors and subscribers.

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UBA:  1016737320 – Scientia Africana


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No off-prints are given except on request.  However, authors are given a copy of the journal in which their article is published (at no cost).


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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1118-1931
print ISSN: 1118-1931