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An assessment of barriers to implementation of school health program in primary schools in Ido/Osi, Southwest, Nigeria: a qualitative study

E. O. Adeyemi
O. S. Olatunya
A. Ajibola
O. J. Adebami


INTRODUCTION: School Health Program is an event that promotes the understanding, maintenance, and improvement of the school community's health and ensures that children are at all times in a state of optimum health. The implementation of School Health Programme in most parts of Nigeria is, however, poor or suboptimal. The objective of the study was to assess the quality of the School Health Programme being implemented in Ido/Osi Local Government Area, Southwest Nigeria.
METHODS: Focused group discussions were carried out among 4 different groups of 8 participants each, with each group comprised of different administrative heads and health instructors. The qualitative study was carried out among primary schools in the Ido/Osi local government area in Southwest Nigeria. The data were analyzed using a thematic framework approach for qualitative data analysis.
RESULTS: Administrative heads and health teachers lacked in-depth knowledge of the School Health Programme. Most private schools had good buildings but the majority of public schools had dilapidated structures. All schools had at least a source of water. Toilet facilities were present in a few public schools and in all private schools. Most of the schools practice open dumping of refuse. All the schools had a first aid box but with varying content. Only one private school had a school nurse. All the schools send a child with suspected communicable diseases home. Free mid-day meals are available in public schools but lacking in private ones.
CONCLUSION: The study revealed the poor state of SHP in Ido/Osi and identified deficiencies in the effective implementation of SHP.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2663-4651
print ISSN: 2663-4643