Editorial Board

Local members of Editorial Board

  1. Prof Francois Naramabuye – Soil Science, Professor (naramabuyefrancois@gmail.com)

  2. Prof Daniel Rukazambuga – Crop Science, Professor Entomology(dnrukazambuga@gmail.com)

  3. Prof Jean Nduwamungu – Professor, Forestry/Agroforestry(Associate Editor)- jeanduwa@gmail.com

  4. Prof Sankaranarayan Muthiah –  Professor and Dean, Agriculture mechanisation (sankara.urcavm@yahoo.com)

  5. Prof Anselme SHYAKA– Animal Science, shyakaa@gmail.com

  6. Prof Lonzi Ojok – Veterinary Medicine(Associate Editor) lonzyo@gmail.com

  7. Prof Srinivasan Throppe – Crop Science, Pest management – Chief Editor (srinitrs@gmail.com)

  8. Prof Muhinyaza – Crop Science(mujohnbapt25@gmail.com)

  9. Prof Alfred Bizoza – Agro-Economy – (Associate Editor)- alfredbiz23@gmail.com

  10. Prof Donate Nsabimana – Biology /Environment(donatus_1999@gmail.com)

  11. Dr Guillaume Nyagatare – Ag. Director of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (Associate Editor)- guillaumenyagatare@gmail.com

External Composition of the Editorial Board

  1. Dr Martin Ongol, DFID, Rwanda (ongolmartin@gmail.com

  2. Prof Charles Bucagu, Deputy Director General of Agriculture Research and Technology Transfer, RAB(charles.bucagu@rab.gov.rw , cbucagu@gmail.com)

  3. Dr Solange Uwituze, Deputy Director General of ARR&TT, RAB (solange.uwituze@rab.gov.rw)

  4. Prof Drew Conroy, Applied Animal Science; Thompson School of Applied Science; Integrated Agriculture Management, Animal Science, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems and Veterinary Technology; University of New Hampshire, Barton Hall Rm 131, Durham, NH 03824, USA; email: drew.conroy@unh.edu

  5. Prof Eric Alexandersson, (Genomics), SLU, Sweden (erik.alexandersson@slu.se)

  6. Prof Abraham Joel, Institute for Land and Environment, SLU, Sweden; Abraham.joel@slu.se

  7. Dr. Ramu Govindasamy, Ph.D, Professor and Chair, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 55 Dudley Rd., New Brunswick, USA (govind@sebs.rutgers.edu)

  8. Prof A-M Botha-Oberholster PhD, Professor: Cereal Genomics, Genetics, AgriSciences Faculty, Stellenbosch University, South Africa(ambo@sun.ac.za)

  9. Prof Åke Grönlund, Örebro University School of Business, Örebro University, Sweden ake.gronlund@oru.se

  10. Dr. R.K.Murali Baskaran, Principal Scientist (Agricultural Entomology), ICAR-National Institute of Biotic Stress Institute, Raipur 493 225, Chhattisgarh, India, E mail: rcrkm2013@gmail.com; +91 7470429970

  11. Dr. Alex Danissen Extension specialist, AgriTerra, Rwanda(alexdanissen@yahoo.fr)

  12. Dr Jasper Spikker, Business advisor, AgriTerra, Rwanda(spikker@agriterra.org)

  13. Prof Abiliza Elia Kimambo, Department of Animal, Aquaculture and Range Sciences, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P. O. Box 3004, Morogoro, Tanzania, E-mail: kimambo@suanet.ac.tz

  14. Prof. Frederick C. Kahimba, Civil Engineering, Water Resources Engineering and Biosystems engineering, Department of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O. Box 3003, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro. Tanzania; Tel: +255 23 2604216; +255 23 2603511-4; Ext. 4432, 4433. Fax: +255 23 260 4562/3718; kahimbafcs@yahoo.com; fredkahimba@sua.ac.tz

  15. Prof. Henry Laswai, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Science and Technology, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P. O. Box 3006, Morogoro, TANZANIA; Tel: +255 23 2604542, Mobile: +255 754 572646; Fax: +255 23 2604746; E-mail: hslaswai@suanet.ac.tz; hs2laswai@yahoo.com

  16. Prof. Rhoda Jerop Birech, Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University, P.O. Box 536, Njoro, Kenya; Telephone:+254-700500667;E-Mail: rhodabirech@gmail.com

  17. Prof. Simon Muhoho Njoroge; B.Sc., Food Science and Technology (Nairobi); M.Sc., Food Technology-Quality Assurance (Reading, UK); Ph.D., Food Science (Ehime, Japan

  18. Prof John Muyonga, Dean School of Food Technology, Nutrition & Bio-Engineering, Makerere University, Uganda(muyongaj@agric.mak.ac.ug, hmuyonga@yahoo.com)

  19. Dr. Paola Sotelo-Cardona, Entomologist, Safe and Sustainable Value Chains program. World Vegetable Center, 60 Yi Ming Liao, Shanhua, Tainan 74151, Taiwan, Republic of China, Ph:+886 6 583 7801 Extn. 426 (O); paola.sotelo@worldveg.org

  20. Dr. Ravishankar Manickam, Safe and Sustainable Value Chains program, World Vegetable Center, 60 Yi Ming Liao, Shanhua, Tainan 74151, Taiwan, Republic of China. Ph:+886 6 583 7801 Extn. 426 (O), Fax:+886 6 583 0009; ravi.manickam@worldveg.org

  21. Prof Fujita Daisuke, Tropical Crop Improvement, Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Saga University, Japan. dfujita@cc.saga-u.ac.jp

  22. Dr. Norimitsu Hamaoka, Fac. of Agriculture, Crop Science Dept, Kyushu University, Japan, nohamaoka@gmail.com

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2707-7209
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