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Enhancing quality in education: Compatibility of quality assurance mechanisms with the goals of higher learning in Tanzania

Samwel Credo
Daniel Mbonea Mngarah


This study investigated the compatibility of quality assurance mechanisms in the selected universities with goals of university education as provided by the Tanzanian Commission for Universities (TCU). The study employed a qualitative research approach and adopted a multiple case study design. It involved 27 participants, including three quality assurance officers, three academic officers, three heads of departments, and eighteen student leaders. Data were collected through interviews, focus group discussion and documentary review, and were analyzed thematically. The findings revealed that the compatibility of implementing quality assurance among those institutions tended to be insignificant because the quality assurance mechanisms focused on the cognitive processes of teaching and assessment without following the qualifying framework set out by the TCU. The study concludes that such irregularities negatively impact the implementation of quality assurance, and recommends addressing inconsistencies by ensuring that the quality assurance mechanisms focus on the intended curriculum.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2312-9239