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Building education for sustainability: A philosophy of education analysis of competence-based curriculum implementation in Rwanda

Barthelemy Bizimana


This study examines the extent to which CBC theory matches its application in classroom. Employing Aristotle's concept of aitia, a framework with four causes, the research analyzes the nature and implementation of the CBC in four secondary schools. Interviews and focused group discussions, were used to explore the practical application of CBC concepts in the classroom alongside documentary analysis on both competence based curriculum, education for sustainability with their corresponding educational philosophies. Purposeful sampling was used to select participants who have relevant experiences and perspectives related to competence-based curriculum implementation in Rwanda while thematic analysis was applied to identify and analyze patterns, themes, and commonalities in the collected qualitative data. Constant Comparative Analysis was utilized to continuously compare data across interviews and focus group discussions.The findings revealed a significant gap between theory and practice, influenced by Western and African cultural philosophies. The study recommends regular reviews and interdisciplinary approaches to improve the CBC's alignment with sustainability education objectives in Rwanda.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2312-9239