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Agroforestry practice in villages surrounding Nyamure former refugee camp, Nyanza District: tree species and purpose
percent owned small woodlots whereas 70% had either planted or retained trees on their farms. The dominant agroforestry tree species was Grevillea robusta (69%) whereas Eucalyptus sp. dominated woodlots (100%). The major purposes of planting or retaining trees were: fuel wood supply (49%), building material (48.1%), food (31.7%) and soil conservation (35.6%). Despite all reforestation efforts, there was shortage of wood products
and farmers often switched to crop residues for fuel (almost 47% of respondents) and often walked long distances (almost 13% of respondents walked more than 2 hours in search of
fuel wood) to the remnant pockets of public woodlands. Therefore, there is need for joint management of public forest lands. Furthermore, given the land shortage, efforts should be
directed to agroforestry and more efficient agricultural technologies.