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Job Satisfaction at SAPREF (South African Petroleum Refinery)
The results of this research have shown that the top factors that led to employee job satisfaction were working conditions, interpersonal relations, recognition, advancement and growth, achievement and company and administrative policies. It was also found that employees at SAPREF, in general, do not differ in job satisfaction factors regardless of their position in the company, age and gender. However, it can be said that the slight significant differences that emerged from the study were found in terms of the work itself (repetitive work), responsibility (job well done) and company and administrative policies (participation in the company policies) for the position in the company. Concerning age, the significant difference was found in supervision (good method for evaluating individual performance) and salary (sufficient incentives). In the gender category, the only difference was observed in interpersonal relations (team culture).
Key words: assessment, utility, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, employee job satisfaction, grade, age, gender.