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Intelligibility criticism of Human Sciences in Africa

Isaie Nzeyimana


Africa, as to be everything, is positive in itself. Such is a first good postulate to think of Africa. Contrary to this first intuition, the speech on Africa is negativistic. The  individual is always in contradiction with the universal; identities are badly assumed; only the immediate has some value; Afro pessimism of a continent which is in poor shape; a continent which is always in search of a model.The only criticism that seems to be valid is that Africa built more men and people, fewer things. But this is not totally valid, because while we can import things and technologies, we cannot import the people, the African ".The future of the human sciences in Africa will be to release the speech of the social sciences of the contexts which produced them and to return to Africa at its beginnings, in its paramount efforts of multiple adaptations to life. As a preliminary, it is appropriate to leave the argument of not expressed wisdoms and represent its multiple experiments into operational terms, hence the release of Africa from external models.

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print ISSN: 2305-2678