International Journal of Economic Performance <p>The International Journal of Economic Performance (IJEP) is an online journal (e-ISSN 2716-9073) and a print journal (ISSN 2661-7161) published jointly by The research laboratory The performance of Algerian economic institutions in light of international economic mobility at Boumerdes university – Algeria. The IJEP is an open access journal that users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles. The journal’s international perspective is reflected by its international authors, international editors, international examiners, international advisory board member, international access and trilingual approach (English, Arabic and French). Founded in 2018, the IJEP is published one issue in semester.<br /><br /></p> <p>EDITORIAL LINE OF THE IJEP JOURNAL</p> <p>IJEP is an international, specialised scientific journal, published on semester- terms, with the following major features and characteristics:</p> <p>*The journal has neither a profit- making nor a political purpose,<br />* The research laboratory on economic performances of companies at M'hamed Bougara Boumerdes University (Algeria), is the official institutional body managing the IJEP journal.<br />* Since its first edition in 2018, without any interruption, IJEP has always been open to any scientific research contribution.<br />* Any received scientific paper will be published after being evaluated and appraised by peers.<br /><br /><em>MAJOR OBJECTIVES OF IJEP JOURNAL</em></p> <p>IJEP is aiming to be a scientific space for many scientific contributions, such as exposed reports, articles and new books in Management, economics and commerce.</p> <p>In order to increase knowledge development, our journal IJEP offers large opportunities for participants and researchers to communicate and exchange critics, points of views and findings on economic performances.</p> <p>It gives them further chances to develop and diffuse their Knowledge via the publication of applied and theoretical research on local and international economic performances, as long as evaluated of being original, modern and scientifically elaborated.</p> <p><strong>Journal Scopes</strong><br />The articles can be from any of the following areas:</p> <p>Economics, Econometrics and Finance<br />Business, Management and Accounting<br />Marketing<br />Information Systems and Management</p> <p><em>IJEP JOURNAL TARGETS</em></p> <p>The journal targets all researchers in any research body: laboratories, universities, government bodies who are either publishing on electronic or paper version and in any of these three languages: English, Arabic or French.</p> <p>You can view this journal's website <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> University of Boumerdes en-US International Journal of Economic Performance 2661-7161 The Energy Transition Experiment in Germany <p>Germany has sought to accomplish an energy transition by progressively shifting from dependence on fossil fuel sources to reliance on&nbsp; various forms of renewable energy sources. This transition is facilitated through the implementation of a range of legislative measures&nbsp; that align with the goals of the energy transition program. Furthermore, Germany leads in European scientific research, prioritizing the&nbsp; involvement of the private sector. These initiatives have resulted in positive outcomes in the German energy market, prompting the&nbsp; development of infrastructure for renewable energy sources. Consequently, their contribution to Germany’s energy supply has seen a&nbsp; gradual rise.</p> Zakaria Hireche Moussa Boucheneb Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 1 21 Human capital investment and economic development: empirical evidence from the Middle East region MENA <p>This paper explores the role of human capital in economic growth in the MENA region. This research proposes empirical approaches&nbsp; using panel data from 2007 to 2019, and employs appropriate econometric techniques. This work argues that investment in human&nbsp; capital is considered a crucial factor in influencing economic success. It is found that human capital has an influence on economic growth;&nbsp; however, this influence may not be as large which can limit a country's growth potential in the MENA region.</p> M'hamedi Amani Zhor Boumedienne Mohammed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 22 38 African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), as an export destination for Algeria's small and medium industries Between Opportunities and Constraints <p>This study aims to analyze the issue of export diversification, by trying to focus on the opportunities offered by the African continental&nbsp; free trade area, and the obstacles that prevent the achievement of this goal, with the hypothesis that it constitutes in the medium and&nbsp; long term, a vital space for the marketing of Algerian industrial products. The study concludes the importance of moving towards&nbsp; integration within the African space to achieve development goals, which must be preceded by taking several steps at the strategic level&nbsp; that lead to the removal of various obstacles, especially logistical ones.</p> Zanane Reda Benlakehal Mohamed Amine Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 39 52 Auditing profession regulation in Algeria and Qatar- a comparative study: Algerian law 10-01, Qatari law 2020-08 <p>The purpose of the study was to shed light on the auditing profession in both Algeria and Qatar to pinpoint the key differences in&nbsp; regulation and practices, in order to provide insight into how both countries can benefit from the other, and also to provide an avenue&nbsp; into how accounting and auditing convergence between the two countries my contributes to the international accounting and auditing&nbsp; convergence efforts, led by the different international accounting and auditing organizations around the world.</p> Abderrahmane Benaissa Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 53 72 The Reality and Requirements of Developing the Islamic Banking Industry in Algeria ; a Case Study of Al Baraka Bank during the period 2008-2021 <p>This study aims to see the reality of the Islamic banking industry in Algeria, by shedding light on the reality of Islamic windows in&nbsp; traditional banks. We also focused on the experience of Al Baraka Bank.To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive analytical&nbsp; approach was used to try to understand the experience of Islamic banks in Algeria by studying the performance and reality of Al Baraka&nbsp; Bank, as well as the Islamic windows adopted by traditional banks. Information was collected and analyzed using multiple tools and&nbsp; approaches.The study reached a set of results, the most important of which is that Islamic banking in Algeria is still somewhat weak compared to some countries that have made great strides in this field, and also compared to the traditional banking reality in Algeria, as&nbsp; it did not exceed 3% of the total financing volume, despite the efforts and attempts made. By the Bank of Algeria to strengthen Islamic&nbsp; banking, and in order for this type of financing to be promoted, development requirements must be taken into account and horizons&nbsp; studied that make it an Islamic banking industry in line with the reality of the Algerian banking system.&nbsp;</p> Yassamine Bendjebbes Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 73 87 Sustainable leadership practices in business organizations <p>An overview of sustainable leadership techniques and their significance for business organizations is given in this study, about the&nbsp; essential components of business organizations' sustainable leadership, by using the descriptive method. The success of business&nbsp; organizations depends on sustainable leadership in all areas: social, organizational, environmental, and individual, as the integrative&nbsp; thinking, co-production, discussion, strategic vision, system-building and system quality emphasis.</p> Telkhoukh Saida Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 88 103 The sovereign wealth funds and monetary stabilization role on financial crisis <p>Sovereign Wealth Funds SWFs play a crucial role in global financial markets, particularly during periods of crisis. This paper delves into&nbsp; the impact of SWF interventions on inflation rates amidst financial crises. By analyzing historical data of some emerging country how&nbsp; possessed a SWFs, the paper examines how SWFs actions affect inflation dynamics. Additionally, the paper investigates the relationship&nbsp; between SWF interventions and inflation rate. Through empirical analysis, the paper provides insights into the extent to which SWF&nbsp; interventions contribute to inflation volatility and stability during times of crisis. Understanding the interplay between SWFs and inflation&nbsp; is essential for macroeconomic stability in the face of financial turmoil.</p> Souhila Bouhmidi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 104 122 heoretical Study on Advertising Deception and Its Impact on Consumers <p>Advertising is a pivotal element in the landscape of marketing, primarily focused on capturing consumer attention and enhancing sales&nbsp; volumes. It holds a critical position in fostering brand recognition and influencing purchasing decisions. Nevertheless, the realm of&nbsp; advertising has been subject to substantial scrutiny due to the prevalence of deceptive and misleading practices that furnish consumers&nbsp; with erroneous and incomplete information. This study aimed to highlight how advertising deception affects consumers' behavior and&nbsp; their trust in the brand. It concluded that advertising deception negatively affects both consumer psychology and the organization's&nbsp; reputation, in addition to a decline in customer support and loyalty to the brand.&nbsp;</p> Imene Nessah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 137 157 Mechanisms for Implementing Artificial Intelligence to Achieve Road Safety in Algeria An analytical study <p>This study aims to highlight the importance of artificial intelligence systems in achieving traffic safety in Algeria by analyzing the situation&nbsp; of traffic accidents over the period from 2010 to 2023. It also aims to showcase the efforts and measures taken to implement&nbsp; artificial intelligence systems to reduce these accidents and propose suitable solutions to achieve economic performance. The study&nbsp; found that, in the field of traffic safety in Algeria, many regulatory measures and efforts have been taken; however, these laws have not&nbsp; succeeded in reducing traffic accidents. Regarding the application of artificial intelligence systems, their use is limited to security services&nbsp; only, such as radars and cameras.</p> Mounira Boulmelh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 158 179 Management Of Banking Operations and the impact of technology on the future Banks (Case Study Of Algerian Banks) <p>The strategic management process enables exploration of future opportunities that can help develop business management in banks&nbsp; and reduce or minimize risks in the future. This study was conducted on a group of eight (8) Algerian banks: three (3) private banks, and&nbsp; five (5) public banks. The population of the study is the managers {General Director and his staff, department director and some district&nbsp; managers), and the study sample consisted of 80 individuals, with 10 representatives from each bank. The curriculum that is appropriate&nbsp; for this study involves analytical methods for testing hypotheses, as well as using the descriptive approach in building the theoretical&nbsp; aspect of the study. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using statistical methods through the program (spss). The&nbsp; most important result of this study is that Technology is one of the primary elements that demands close attention at the strategic&nbsp; management level due to its important role in bringing about fundamental changes to suit the requirements of the future. The study&nbsp; recommends that Algerian banks must recognize the significance of the relationship between their success and the direction of creativity&nbsp; in hiring technology and investing in the identification of customer preferences, and they must support technology in order to link&nbsp; strategic orientation towards technology and the general strategy of the bank.&nbsp;</p> Adnane Amina Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 180 205 Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the OIC countries <p>The main purpose of this article is to examine the effect of Information Communication Technology (ICT), market size and trade&nbsp; openness on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for the panel of 21 countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), over the&nbsp; period 1998-2021, using the panel Vector Error Correction Models (panel VECM). overall, we find a strong evidence supporting the view&nbsp; that ICT, market size and trade openness effects FDI in OIC members countries in the long-term. however, in the short-term ICT, market&nbsp; size and trade openness haven’t a significant effect on FDI inflows.</p> Salim Boukezata Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 206 220 Evaluating The Effectiveness Of The Exchange Rate-Channel In Transmitting The Impact Of Monetary Policy To Inflation In Algeria: From ( 1990 - 2017) - An Econometric Study <p>This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the exchange rate channel in transmitting the impact of monetary policy to inflation in&nbsp; Algeria during the period (1990 – 2017 ), by trying to answer the problem of the study which is: in measuring the effectiveness of the&nbsp; exchange rate channel in transmitting the effects of monetary policy to inflation in Algeria, relying on the SVAR autoregressive&nbsp; methodology. The results of the study led to the acceptance of the second hypothesis, which is that there is little relative effectiveness of&nbsp; the exchange rate channel in transmitting the effects of monetary policy to inflation in Algeria, which reached a rate of (0.09%).</p> Hassani Bouhassoun Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 221 236 Covid 19 implications on credit loss provisioning rules under IFRS 9: Pro-cyclicality concerns <p>The objective of this paper is to analyse the procyclicality behavior of Expected Credit Loss (ECL) model introduced by IFRS 9, during the&nbsp; economic downturn due to the Covid 19 pandemic. A regression analysis was conducted on a dataset gathered from euro era in order to&nbsp; investigate the hypothesis suggesting that the new model does not exhibit a procyclical behavior. Our findings indicate that, despite the&nbsp; IASB's expectation that the ECL model would have a countercyclical impact, it still demonstrates procyclical behavior.</p> Bilal Djelil Faiz Saidj Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 237 256 Exploring the link between financial inclusion and food security in Algeria: A VECM approach <p>This study explores the link between financial inclusion and food security in Algeria from 2003 to 2022. Using a composite financial&nbsp; inclusion index and the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), we analyse the data, subjecting it to various diagnostic tests. Surprisingly,&nbsp; our results reveal that financial inclusion (FI) has a significant and positive impact on undernourishment prevalence, indicating a negative&nbsp; effect on food security in both the short and long term. Likewise, food imports (FIM) contribute to higher undernourishment&nbsp; prevalence, implying a weakening of food security in the long-run. Conversely, unemployment rate (UEM) and food production (FOP)&nbsp; show no substantial long-term impact on food security, although UEM has an opposing effect in the short run, meaning it improves food&nbsp; security at the short term; which can be attributed to the informal economy and other State’s policies. Notably, income per capita&nbsp; (INCAPITA) negatively affects undernourishment prevalence, improving food security. These findings offer a nuanced understanding of&nbsp; the complex relationship between financial inclusion and food security in Algeria, emphasizing the need for multifaceted, contextspecific&nbsp; policies to address the country's unique challenges.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Hania Chetouane Epo Boniface Ngah Sonia Chetouane Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 257 280 Green Revolution, Agricultural Performance with Sustainability and Bio-diversity: Special Reference to India <p>The contemporary surge in economic growth often comes at the expense of future generations. This study delves into the multifaceted&nbsp; issues, problems, and challenges associated with environmental sustainability and the pursuit of sustainable economic development. It&nbsp; scrutinizes how a profit-driven capitalist production model frequently exploits natural resources for short-term gains, often at their full&nbsp; capacity. Achieving sustainable economic development necessitates the formulation and implementation of appropriate policies aligned&nbsp; with the United Nations' Millennium Goals. The study's objective was to re-examine the root causes of pollution while identifying the&nbsp; challenges and opportunities for… Analyzing the situation relied on secondary data from a variety of sources, including social media,&nbsp; academic journals, doctoral theses, print media, and webinars, utilizing a qualitative approach. Ultimately, the study proposes a&nbsp; recommendation: for economic development to be sustainable, it must safeguard existing natural resources, striking a balance between&nbsp;&nbsp; the needs of present and future generations.</p> Akhilesh Chandra Prabhakar Gagan Preet Brar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 281 318