The Research Journal of Health Sciences is dedicated to promoting high quality research work in the field of health and related biological sciences. It aligns with the mission of the Osun State University, which is “to create a unique institution, committed to the pursuit of academic innovation, skills-based training and a tradition of excellence in teaching, research and community service”. The Journal acts as a medium of improving the quality of health care and medical education particularly in the context of developing countries with limited resources.

The Research Journal of Health Sciences aim to make a substantial contribution towards providing high quality publications in health sciences and related biological sciences. It publishes manuscripts from basic and clinical sciences that have not been submitted for publication/or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Journal ensures a rigorous review process.

Research Journal of Health Sciences journal is a peer reviewed, Open Access journal. The Journal subscribed to terms and conditions of Open Access publication. Articles are distributed under the terms of Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). ( All articles are made freely accessible for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Published: 2025-03-05

Changing trends of native renal histopathologic diagnosis in a tertiary health centre in Nigeria

S. Ajayi, Y. Raji, S. Aminu, H. Alimi, B.L. Salako, A. Arije, S. Kadiri


Asymptomatic presentation of atrial fibrillation in a patient scheduled for emergency exploratory laparotomy

M.O. Ikokoh, A.K. Ojo, O.I. Alatise, A.M. Owojuyigbe, J. Abimbola, T.M. Jegede, O.T. Akinwumi


Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection among symptomatic children in a tertiary hospital in Southwestern Nigeria: a retrospective study

T.O. Oluwole , H.N. Okunbor, I.I. Otaigbe , A.O. Adekoya , A.O. Osinowo , O.A. Sadare , C.J. Elikwu


Considering mentorship as an opportunity for addressing nursing and midwifery faculty shortage in low-income countries: Discursive paper

J.P. Ndayisenga, A. Oudshoorn, Y. Babenko-Mould, Y. Kasine, J. Mukantwari, G. Banamwana, C. Uwimana


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eISSN: 2467-8252
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