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Trichoscopy findings of normal scalp and hair in blacks - A community survey

E. Otrofanowei
E.L. Anaba
A.O. Akinkugbe
O. Cole-Adeife
O.O. Ayanlowo
I. Akwara
R.I. Oaku


Background: Trichoscopic features of scalp and hair diseases have been described in Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics, and Black Americans  but few reported in Nigerians. A survey of trichoscopic findings on disease-free scalp and hair of Black Africans becomes relevant and  forms a comparative basis for establishing findings in a diseased state.
Objective: To examine the scalp and hair of Nigerians in a semi-urban community with no scalp and/or hair disease and document  trichoscopy findings.
Method: A cross-sectional descriptive survey of 307 individuals at a semiurban market in Lagos where the scalp and hair of all  participants were reviewed clinically and using DermLite® dermscope by dermatologists. Demographic data, clinical and trichoscopic  findings of participants with no scalp or hair disease were documented using a pre-designed questionnaire. Data was analysed using IBM SPSS version 22. Ethical approval was sought and obtained from the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LREC/06/10/1297).
Result: 96 (31.3%) participants had normal hair M:F ratio of 1.1:1.0 . Those aged between 35 – 39 years and <25 years age bracket was  18.8% and 15.6% respectively. White dots were seen in (95; 99%), white dots with regular distribution (93; 96.9%), preserved honeycomb  pattern in (92; 95.8%) and peripilar casts in 14; 14.6% of partcipants.
Conclusion: Trichoscopic findings of normal scalp and hair in Black Africans include regular white dots and preserved honeycomb  appearance. Peripilar casts and scales may also be seen in Africans without hair or scalp disease.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2467-8252
print ISSN: 2360-7793