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On existence of positive solutions of p-Laplace equations

Tiantian Zhou


In this paper, we consider the existence of positive solutions of an equation with p-Laplacian

                                                               −Δpu = K(x) uq/|x|p , u > 0 in Rn \ {0},

where n ≥ 3, 1 < p < n, q > 0, Δpu = div(|∇u|p−2u), and K(x) is a double bounded function. We will prove the following results. When 0 < q < p − 1, the equation has no solution satisfying infRn u = 0 for any double bounded function K(x). When q = p − 1, the equation has a positive radial singular solution for K(x) ≡ Const.. In addition, q = p − 1 is a necessary condition such that this equation (with K(x) ≡ 1) has finite energy solutions. In addition, the existence of positive solutions are also derived for the system 

                                                                   −Δp1u = K1(x) vq1/|x|p1 ,
                                                                   −Δp2v = K2(x) uq2/|x|p2 ,

where u, v > 0 in Rn \ {0}, n ≥ 3, 1 < p1, p2 < n, q1, q2 > 0, and K1(x),K2(x) are double bounded functions.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606