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Certain results on gradient almost <i>η</i> - Ricci-Bourguignon Soliton

Santu Dey


The present research article deals with the study of almost η -Ricci- Bourguignon soliton and gradient almost η-Ricci-Bourguignon soliton on almost Kenmotsu manifolds. It is shown that if the metric of a Kenmotsu manifold M2n+1 admits a gradient almost η-Ricci-Bourguignon soliton, then it is η-Einstein. More-over, if the manifold is complete and ξ leaves the scalar curvature invariant, then it is locally isometric to Hyperbolic space H2n+1(-1). Next, we demonstrate that if a (κ; μ) almost Kenmotsu manifold admits an almost η-Ricci-Bourguignon soliton, then the manifold is η -Einstein. Besides, we explore the condition for non-normal almost Kenmotsu manifolds satisfying gradient almost η-Ricci-Bourguignon soliton. In addition, we have also investigated an almost η-Ricci-Bourguignon soliton on (κ; μ) ' -almost Kenmotsu manifold.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606