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Eliahou Number, Wilf Function and Concentration of a Numerical Semigroup

Patricio Almiron
Julio Jose Moyano-Fernandez


We give an estimate of the minimal positive value of the Wilf function of a numerical semigroup in terms of its concentration. We describe necessary  conditions for a numerical semigroup to have a negative Eliahou number in terms of its multiplicity, concentration and Wilf function. Also, we show new  examples of numerical semigroups with a negative Eliahou number satisfying the Wilf conjecture. In addition, we introduce the notion of highly dense  numerical semigroup; this yields a new family of numerical semigroups satisfying the Wilf conjecture. Moreover, we use the Wilf function of a numerical  semigroup to prove that the Eliahou number of a highly dense numerical semigroup is positive under certain additional hypothesis. These results provide  new evidences in favour of the Wilf conjecture.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606