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Quasi-inverses and approximation with min-max operators in the l1-norm

CH Rohwer


The semi-group of min-max operators, as used for nonlinear smoothing or multiresolution analysis, has no nontrivial inverses. Having chosen a smoother for a specific purpose, the secondary approximation problem of minimising damage was considered by showing that quasi-inverses exist. This was done with respect to the total variation as norm in l1, as this is natural for these operators. We show that these quasi-inverses also minimise the residual in the more usual 1-norm.

Keywords: Quasi-inverse, min-max operators, smoothing, local monotonicity

Quaestiones Mathematicae 29(2006), 141–150

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606