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A new line search technique
important step in most multidimensional optimization algorithms, is considered.
If conjugate gradient descent is to be used in producing a
descent sequence for a given functional f on a Hilbert space H,
at every step in the sequence on is faced with the problem of finding α,
step length to minimize f(x(k) + αP(k)) where x(k), P(k) ∈ H are
the k-th
elements of the descent sequence and k-th
descent direction, respectively. This is usually accomplished by a
one-dimensional search. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss a method of
search that determines, by a synergy of analytic-synthetic procedures, a
sequence {α(k)} such that the sequence { f(x(k) + α(k)P(k))}
converges to f(x*(k)), the minimum of f(x).
Specifically, the step in Fletcher-Reeve's algorithm that employs the geometric
mean of the past values of α(k) as initial
estimate is replaced by their harmonic mean to yield initially a low order
accuracy formula. The efficiency of this technique is confirmed by numerical
Mathematics Subject
Classification (2000): 65D15
Quaestiones Mathematicae 25 (2002), 453-464