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Moufang unit loops torsion over their centres

Edgar G. Goodaire
César Polcino Milies


Let L be
an RA loop, that is, a loop whose loop ring in any characteristic is an
alternative, but not associative, ring. We find necessary and sufficient
conditions for the (Moufang) unit loop of RL to be
torsion over its centre when R is the ring of rational integers or an arbitrary
field. Over a field, torsion over the centre turns out to be equivalent to
torsion of bounded exponent.

Mathematics Subject Classification
(2000): Primary 20N05; Secondary 16S34, 16U60, 17D05.

Key words: Moufang
loop; alternative ring; loop ring; unit.

Mathematicae 25 (2002), 1-12.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606