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q-Engel Series Expansions and Slaters Identities

George E Andrews
Arnold Knopfmacher
Peter Paule
Helmut Prodinger


We describe the q-Engel series expansion for Laurent series discovered by
John Knopfmacher and use this algorithm to shed new light on partition identities
related to two entries from Slater's list. In our study Al-Salam/Ismail and
Santos polynomials play a crucial role.
Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): Primary: 11; Secondary:
Keywords: expansions, q-Engel series, Slaters identities, Engel series,
q-series, Al-Salam polynomials, Ismail polynomials, identities, Santos polynomials,
number theory, John Knopfmacher, partition, study, polynomials

Quaestiones Mathematicae 24(3) 2001, 403-416

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606