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Conjugacy Classes of Involutions in the Group of Homeomorphisms of the Rational Numbers

PV Bruyns


Let X be the set of real rational numbers Q with
the topology induced by the usual topology on R and let AutX be
the set of functions f : XX which are homeomorphisms
with respect to this topology. The set AutX is a group with respect
to composition of functions.
Let ƒ ∈ AutX be an involution whose fixed point set has derived set with
n elements. It is shown that there are n + 2 conjugacy classes of such elements.

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 20B22
Keywords: conjugacy classes, rational numbers, involutions, fixed point
sets, multiply transitive finite groups, composition, fixed point

Mathematicae 24(2) 2001, 237-246

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606