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Heat and Mass Transfer in a Pipe with Moving Surface: Effects of Viscosity Variation and Energy Dissipation

OD Makinde


In this study, we investigate the combined effects of viscosity
variation and energy dissipation on steady flow of an incompressable fluid
in a pipe with moving surface. On the basis of certain simplifying assumptions,
the fluid equations of continuity, momentum, energy and concentration are obtained.
Analytical solutions are therefore constructed for the problem and important
properties of the overall structure of the flow are discuseed. The model is
appropriate to simulate wind tunnel tests on lubrication phenomenon in engineering
Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 76Z05, 76E25
Keywords: pipe flow, moving surface, viscosity variation;, heat and
material flux, energy dissipation, physiological flows, magnetohydrodynamic
and electrohydrodynamic instabilities

Quaestiones Mathematicae 24(1) 2001,