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Rational homotopy of mapping spaces between complex Grassmannians

Jean Baptiste Gatsinzi
Paul Antony Otieno
Vitalis Onyango-Otieno


The complex Grassmann Gr(k, n) is the space of k dimensional subspaces of Cn. It is a complex manifold of complex dimension k(nk). There is a natural inclusion ik,n : Gr(k, n) ,→ Gr(k, n + r). In this paper, we use Sullivan models to compute the rational homotopy type of the component of the inclusion Gr(2, n) ,→ Gr(2, n + r) in the space of mappings from Gr(2, n) to Gr(2, n + r), r ≥ 1. We show in particular that map (Gr(2, n), Gr(2, n + 1);in) has the rational homotopy type of a product of odd spheres.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): Primary: 55P62, 54C35.

Keywords: Grassmannian manifold, mapping space, Sullivan model, L algebra

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606