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Note on non-D-rings

A Mimouni


Recall that an integral domain R is said to be a non-D-ring if there exists a non-constant polynomial f(X) in R[X] (called a uv-polynomial) such that f(a) is a unit of R for every a in R. In this note we generalize this notion to commutative rings (that are not necessarily integral domains) as follows: for a positive integer n, we say that R is an n-non-D-ring if there exists a polynomial f of degree n in R[X] such that f(a) is a unit of R for every a in R. We then investigate the properties of this notion in different contexts of commutative rings.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 13A15, 13A18, 13F05, 13G05, 13C20.

Keywords: Non-D-ring, uv-polynomial, trivial extension ring, amalgamation ring

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606