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Some results on (k,μ)′ - almost Kenmotsu manifolds

Yaning Wang
Wenjie Wang


In this paper, we study the Weyl conformal curvature tensor W and the concircular curvature tensor C on a (kμ)′-almost Kenmotsu manifold M2n+1 of dimension greater than 3. We obtain that if M2n+1 satisfies either R.W = 0 or C.C = 0, then it is locally isometric to either the hyperbolic space H2n+1(-1) or the Riemannian product Hn+1(-4) x Rn.

Keywords: Almost Kenmotsu manifold, (k, μ)′-nullity distribution, Weyl curvature tensor, concircular curvature tensor

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606