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On weak-star p-convergent operators

Jan H. Fourie
Elroy D. Zeekoei


The purpose of this article is to introduce and study the notion of "weak*p-convergent operator". We discuss the relationship between the weak* p-convergent operators and the p-convergent operators, a class of operators that was introduced in the paper [4] and which plays an important role in the study of the DP* -property of order p (in the paper [14]). Some new characterizations of Banach spaces with the DP* -property of order p are obtained, the p-Gelfand-Phillips property is introduced and the behaviour of weak* p-convergent operators on Banach spaces with this property (with focus on Banach lattices with the p-Gelfand-Phillips property) is investigated. In the last section of this paper, we consider the domination properties of positive p-convergent and positive weak* p-convergent operators on Banach lattices.

Keywords: p-Convergent operator, weak* p-convergent operator, DP*-property of order p, p-Gelfand-Phillips property, domination property on Banach lattices

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606