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An infinite family of cubics with emergent reduciability at depth 1

Jason I. Preszler


A polynomial ƒ(x) has emergent reducibility at depth n if ƒ ok(x) is irreducible for 0≤ k ≤ n - 1 but ƒ on(x) is reducible. In this paper we prove that there are innitely many irreducible cubics ƒ ∈ Ζ[x] with ƒ o ƒ reducible by exhibiting a one parameter family with this property.

Mathematics Subject Classication (2010): Primary 11R09; Secondary 37P05, 11D25.

Key words: Cubics, iterates, arithmetic dynamics.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-933X
print ISSN: 1607-3606