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eMobile internet protocol version six (IPv6) testbed for interoperability of Nigerian education services and networks

Oluwashola D. Adeniji


The diversity of educational methods, services and protocols promoted disparate educational services in Nigeria. The diversity has not promoted resource sharing and has encouraged duplication of efforts. There is no doubt that the University systems in Nigeria need to complement each other bearing in mind the limited resources available to individual University system. With the introduction of next generation internet protocol version six (IPv6), some of the divergent technologies can be brought to a platform to facilitate resource sharing, capacity development and optimization of resources. In order to solve these diversities of resources affecting Nigerian Education Services and Network, Route Optimization Techniques in IPv6 will provide the best option for scaling these diversities. The Nigeria ecosystem has come of age and attained maturity level to identify the futuristic roles of internet protocol version six (IPv6). Globally, Policy makers and Governments have recognized the enormous opportunities the Internet can create and its impact on economic growth and prosperity. The prime mission of the invention is to develop and provide an eMobile IPv6 testbed that supports optimization of resources for digital services in Nigeria Tertiary Education.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2705-327X
print ISSN: 0794-7976