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Intended or unintended? Issues arising from the implementation of the UK Government's 2003 Schools Workforce Remodelling Act
10% of their timetable to plan lessons, prepare resources and assess pupils' work. This raises issues of what 10% of their time, with pupils, teachers relinquish for PPA. One common solution in primary schools seems to have been to employ coaches (particularly football coaches) to
teach Physical Education (PE) lessons. The purpose of this study was therefore to identify the knowledge, skill and understanding of a group of community-based football coaches working in PPA time in primary schools and to understand the implications for schools, coaches and
coach educators. Results showed that these coaches had very little knowledge of the National Curriculum Physical Education (NCPE) and used a narrow range of teaching methods. Some of their pedagogical decision making had a negative consequence on pupils' learning. Thirteen
of the twenty-one coaches studied did not plan in the short, medium or long term. There was evidence of routine action (Dewey, 1933) although there was some evidence of reflection. These findings are discussed in relation to the implications of employing coaches to teach the
NCPE in schools and also in relation to what Continuing Professional Development (CPD) coaches need to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding for working in schools. Although there is a clear PE focus to this current study, there are implications for the
teaching of other subjects in primary schools in England and for the use of sports coaches within education in other national contexts. Despite differences in government policies and practices in schools, in many countries there are likely to be issues with the status, delivery
and resourcing of PE.