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Therapeutic role of continuous exercise training programme on the lipid profile of male hypertensive patients in Kano, North-West Nigeria
Aim: To investigate the effect of continuous exercise training programme on blood pressure and lipid profile in subjects with hypertension.
Methods: Two hundred and seventeen male patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension were age-matched and grouped into continuous and control groups. The continuous (n=112; 58.63 ± 7.22 years) group involved in an 8 weeks continuous training (60-79% HR max reserve) programme of between 45 minutes to 60 minutes, while age-matched controls hypertensive (n=105; 58.27± 6.24 years) group remain sedentary during this period. Cardiovascular parameters [Systolic blood pressure(SBP)& diastolic blood pressure (DBP)], VO2max, TC, HDL and Artherogenic Index were assessed. Students' t-test and Pearson correlation test were used in data analysis.
Results: Findings of the study revealed significant decreased effect of continuous training programme on SBP, DBP, TC and significant increased effects on VO2max and HDL level at p< 0.05. Also there was a significant negative and positive correlation between changes in VO2max and changes in TC and HDL respectively.
Conclusions: Continuous exercise training programme is an effective adjunct non-pharmacological management for hypertension and a means of normal regulation of lipid profile.
Keywords: Hypertension, Blood pressure, Lipid profile, Continuous exercise