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Life threatening vaginal haemorrhage from coital laceration in a post-menopausal woman

SA Uzoigwe
NC Orazulike


Background: Life threatening coital laceration from consensual intercourse in the postmenopausal period is unusual without any predisposing factors(s). The usual site of occurrence is the right side of the posterior fornix.
Aim: To report a case of haemorrhagic shock from coital laceration.
Design: Case report
Case report: A 55-year-old woman who presented as an emergency with haemorrhagic shock following vaginal bleeding from consensual coitus is presented. She was resuscitated with intravenous fluids and blood transfusions. The vaginal laceration of about 5 cm on the right side of the posterior fornix was sutured following examination under anaesthesia.
Conclusion: Coital laceration should be considered a differential diagnosis in any postmenopausal vaginal bleeding while prompt recognition and treatment are important to avoid morbidity and even mortality.

Keywords: Life threatening, Postmenopausal, Coital, Laceration, Posterior fornix

Port Harcourt Medical Journal Vol. 2 (3) 2008: pp. 275-277

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0795-3038