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A pharmacovigilance study of adults on highly active antiretroviral therapy, South Africa: 2007 – 2011
Methods: A cohort study of HIV-infected individuals aged 15 years or older who were on ARV medicines was conducted at four sentinel sites.
Results: After HAART initiation, with an average lapse of 17.8 months (range: 0 – 83.8 months), 2,815 patients were enrolled into the study. Results show that patients were observed for 1,606.2 person-years for pharmacy visits (collection of ARV medicines) and 817.1 person-years for clinical visits (consultation with the doctor). Females constituted 69.6% (1,958/2,815) of the study population. Almost all patients initiated HAART on first-line regimens (2,801/2,815). Some patients (6.7%, 190/2,815) dropped out of the study after HAART initiation. Reasons for regimen changes were not recorded for 2.5% (22/891) of the patients who changed regimens. The primary reason for regimen changes was drug-related toxicity (76.1%, 678/891), mostly evident in patients taking first-line regimens. Adverse effects experienced by patients were polyneuropathy (24.0%, 163/678); lipodystrophy (23.9%, 162/678); neuropathy (10.6%, 72/678); and suspected lactic acidosis (3.8%, 26/678).
Conclusion: The majority of prescribers complied with the HAART guidelines and initiated most patients on first-line regimens. However, adverse effects are evident in patients taking first-line regimens. We recommend that the Department of Health should introduce less toxic first-line ARV regimens. Future efforts will aim to initiate patients on HAART and enrol them into the study simultaneously to determine early risk profiles of ARV medicines.