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Severity of neuromeningeal tuberculosis in Morocco: a critical evaluation of epidemiological trends and treatment efficacy

Fadia Bejja
Hinde Hami
Fatiha Aboulhoda
Fatine Hadrya
Abdelrhani Mokhtari
Abdelmajid Soulaymani


Introduction: neuromeningeal tuberculosis (NMT) is a significant public health challenge in Morocco because of its acute severity and high mortality rates. This study aims to comprehensively evaluate the epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic, and disease progression characteristics of NMT in the Kenitra province.

Methods: a retrospective analysis was conducted on the medical records of patients diagnosed with NMT at the Diagnostic Center of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases in Kenitra from 2014 to 2017.

Results: among the 33 identified NMT cases, predominantly males (57.6%) were affected, with an age range of 4-76 years and a median age of 25 years. Extrapulmonary manifestations were prevalent, constituting 78.8% (n=26) of all cases, with meningeal localization in 45.5% (n=15) of confirmed cases. Furthermore, 9.1% (n=3) of cases were associated with unconfirmed cerebral tuberculosis (TB), and 12% (n=4) exhibited miliary TB. Familial transmission and comorbidities were identified as significant factors in disease progression. More than half of the patients received standardized antibacillary treatment during hospitalization, which lasted between 9 and 12 months. Treatment outcomes were generally positive (73%), but a 12% case fatality rate and 15% loss to follow-up were observed.

Conclusion: this study highlights the complex clinical and public health challenges posed by NMT in Morocco. It emphasizes the need for improved health strategies that not only increase public awareness but also enhance the accessibility and quality of diagnostic services and treatment options.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1937-8688