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Prevalence and factors associated with early postnatal care utilization among women of reproductive age in Tanzania: analysis of Tanzania demographic health survey 2015/16

Hamidu Adinani
Caroline Amour
Sia Msuya
Cecilia S Anthony
Modesta Mitao
Winfrida Mwita
Jenny Renju


Introduction: postnatal care (PNC) is critical for the health and survival of the mother and the newborn. The timing of the first postnatal checkup is crucial for the early identification and treatment of complications. Late or zero attendance of postnatal checkups negatively influences the health of the mother and the newborn. The study's purpose is to determine the prevalence and factors associated with early postnatal care utilization among women of reproductive age (WRA) in Tanzania.

Methods: this is an analytical cross-sectional study, using Tanzania demographic health survey data for 2015/16. Women of reproductive age (15-49 years) who gave birth 5 years prior the survey were analyzed. Data analysis was performed using Stata software Version 15. The Poisson regression analysis was used to assess factors associated with early PNC.

Results: the prevalence of early PNC utilization in Tanzania was 36%. The identified determinants for early PNC were geographical zone, place of residence, access to media, place of delivery and mode of delivery. The prevalence of early PNC was higher among mothers with access to media, with caesarian delivery and to those with facility delivery. The prevalence was low among mothers who lived in rural areas, from southwest and lake zones.

Conclusion: the coverage of early PNC was found to be low in Tanzania. Interventions informed by the identified factors need to be designed and implemented to improve the coverage of early PNC.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1937-8688